Shakers Anonymous Support Groups

Our unique peer led community offers support, encouragement and camaraderie in addition to providing information and networking opportunities for those with Parkinson's Disease and for their Care Partners. We maintain a positive and uplifting atmosphere.
We have a group for you to attend this month
Peer led support groups for people with PD and care partners.
Join us the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00PM pm on Zoom for people with PD and care partners.
(Two separate meeting rooms)
Click here to join the meeting
The third Tuesday of every month is our in-person support group that meets at 7:00PM
at the New Canaan YMCA, 564 South Avenue New Canaan, CT.
Our women's support group meets every other Monday at 7:30pm on Zoom. It provides a supportive environment where women can offer support to one another and learn from others who are facing similar challenges. If interested email us at our contact us page.